Through CDHW, the CDHW-IRG seeks to catalyze community-engaged, interdisciplinary, cross-campus research that creates solutions to the gaps, risks, and opportunities for health and wellness that lie at the intersections of population health, personalized medicine, and the evolving communication and information context in New Jersey and beyond.
Projects supported include individual investigator and collaborative-type projects. While each will have individual goals and focus areas, the CDHW-IRG seeks to develop a portfolio of projects that, when taken together, offer a more comprehensive engagement in creating solutions and generating knowledge.

Projects in this category include multidisciplinary teams that involve community partner(s) and four or more investigators across Rutgers academic units. Teams are composed of relevant and diverse experts from social-behavioral sciences, medical science, computer-information-engineering science, and humanities.

These projects are smaller Individual projects focused on analysis of existing data or evaluation of an existing program. They are more defined in scope and involve a community partner(s).